Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How can the managers and employees make use of information as strategic/competitive advantage over other competitors?

Managers and employees make use of inpormation as a competitive advantage by using it as guidelines or source in the field of creating a good-decision making in their different field of works so that they can achieve higher productivity based from their performances.They must utilize well the information so that they must able to know the efficiency of serving the needs and wants of their customers.

Monday, June 23, 2008


In our time today MIS is realy very important especialy in the world of business competitions.MIS has a vital role in developing and improving businesses especialy in the production operation management.If a company is using MIS,obcourse theres a posibility of increasing productivity in the whole aspects of the organization and MIS improves better communication among users.MIS also help users to become more knpwledgeable compare to those companies that are not using it.